Shiiiiet. You're doing great man. I'm jealous. I need to also do this. Got to find some massage girls in the Yellow Pages or wherever you're supposed to look for them. I'm tired of being a virgin. I keep getting older and my window of opportunity to lose my virginity keeps getting smaller.
Hi sinfuldeeds, ur efforts are extraordinary and bringing reality into content creation. But some people are posting ur premium contents across internet & earning through it. I'm ur very new fan and thought to share it. Somehow stop this or post all ur contents at one place like xhamster, since onlyfans or any other premium sites don't stop leakages it's loss for u. Therefore post it here & directly fan funding will be there. Also u will earn through views, ads etc... Summary: Post all ur contents here in xhamster to stop leakage & revenue loss for u. If u post here 90% of the people will provide funds directly.